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Course 2. How to teach forehand clear - the most important hitting skill in badminton
How to teach forehand clear
Lesson 1. Why forehand clear is the most important hitting action in badminton (7:03)
Lesson 2. Grip 1-Change grip 10 degrees (5:12)
Lesson 3. Grip 2-Do not lose your grip before your hit (4:19)
Lesson 4. Right elbow setting posture (3:52)
Lesson 5. Right arm hitting action (7:37)
Lesson 6. Do not wind behind your body (3:24)
Lesson 7. Left Arm-How to use it correctly (2:47)
Lesson 8. Wrist-How to use it correctly (2:33)
Lesson 9. Hit with wrist not whole arm (3:07)
Lesson 10. Eyes-How to use it correctly (2:12)
Lesson 11. Teaching hitting action-1 (8:14)
Lesson 12. Teaching hitting action-2 (6:23)
Lesson 13. Teaching hitting action-3 (2:17)
Lesson 14. Teaching clear steps-1 (5:04)
Lesson 15. Teaching clear steps-2 (8:16)
Lesson 16. Home work to player (7:47)
Lesson 12. Teaching hitting action-2
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