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"NEW" Course 497. Just Hitting Actions For You To Follow - 8 Months
Month 1
01-Hitting Action-Forehand Clear (2:26)
02-Hitting Action-Backhand Cross Flick (1:25)
03-Hitting Action-Backhand Straight Flick (1:01)
04-Hitting Action-Forehand Cross Flick (1:14)
05-Hitting Action-Forehand Straight Flick (1:38)
06-Hitting Action-Forehand Straight Net Drop (1:57)
07-Hitting Action-Forehand Cross Net Drop (2:01)
08-Hitting Action-Backhand Cross Net Drop (2:03)
09-Hitting Action-Backhand Straight Net Drop (1:41)
10-Hitting Action-Forehand Power Net Kill (1:23)
11-Hitting Action-Forehand Tap Net Kill (2:08)
12-Hitting Action-Backhand Tap Net Kill (2:41)
13-Hitting Action-Backhand Power Net Kill (1:45)
14-Hitting Action-Forehand Power Net Kill On Your Backhand Net (1:34)
Month 2.
01-Hitting Action-The Most Powerful backhand Clear "WAVE" (1:43)
02-Hitting Action-Compact & Advanced backhand Clear (1:07)
03-Hitting Action-Forehand Under Arm Net Block in Doubles (1:42)
04-Hitting Action-Forehand Under Arm Drive in Doubles (1:59)
05-Hitting Action-Forehand Under Arm Lift in Doubles (1:41)
06-Hitting Action-Backhand Under Arm Net Block in Doubles (0:59)
07-Hitting Action-Backhand Under Arm Short Drive in Doubles (1:15)
08-Hitting Action-Backhand Under Arm Power Drive in Doubles (1:18)
09-Hitting Action-Backhand Under Arm Lift in Doubles (0:57)
10-Hitting Action-Backhand Under Arm Cross Power Drive (1:17)
11-Hitting Action-Forehand Tap Drop in Doubles (1:13)
12-Hitting Action-Backhand Tap Drop in Doubles (1:00)
13-Hitting Action-Forehand Attack Cross Net (1:12)
14-Hitting Action-Forehand Smash Defence in Doubles (Drive return) (1:19)
Month 3.
01-Hitting Action-Smash Defence in Doubles-Forehand Lift Return (1:19)
02-Hitting Action-Backhand Straight & Cross Drop (1:11)
03-Hitting Action-Forehand Power Drive-Straight & Cross (1:23)
04-Hitting Action-Forehand Tap STRAIGHT Drive (0:59)
05-Hitting Action-Forehand Tap CROSS Drive (0:52)
06-Hitting Action-Backhand Power Drive (1:43)
07-Hitting Action-Backhand Tap Drive (1:23)
08-Hitting Action-Forehand Simple but very important drop (1:45)
09-Hitting Action-Forehand Deceptive Revers Slice Drop from Left Rear Court (1:36)
10-Hitting Action-Forehand Deceptive Straight Drop from Right Rear Court (1:23)
11-Hitting Action-Forehand Deceptive Slice Cross Drop from Right Rear Court (1:48)
12-Hitting Action-Forehand Stick Cross Fast Drop from Right Rear Court (1:26)
13-Hitting Action-The Most Deceptive Forehand Straight Slice Drop from Left Rear Court (2:11)
14-Hitting Action-Forehand Deceptive Straight Revers Slice Drop from Right Rear Court (1:32)
Month 4.
01-Hitting Action-Backhand Net Deceptive Flick (1:32)
02-Hitting Action-Forehand Deceptive Net Flick (0:59)
03-Hitting Action-Backhand Smash Defence in Doubles (Drive return) (1:26)
04-Hitting Action-Backhand Smash Defence in Doubles (Lift return) (1:58)
05-Hitting Action-Backhand Deceptive Net (From net kill posture to net drop) (1:16)
06-Hitting Action-Forehand Deceptive Net Drop on Backhasnd Net (from forehand kill posture to net drop) (1:06)
07-Hitting Action-Backhand Spin Net Shot When Shuttlecock Comes from Cross Direction (0:53)
08-Hitting Action-Backhand Deceptive Straight Net Drop (1:09)
09-Hitting Action-Backhand Three Lecvel Deceptive Cross Net (1:07)
10-Hitting Action-Backhand Deceptive Attack Cross Net (1:08)
11-Hitting Action-Backhand Cross Net When Very Late (1:07)
12-Hitting Action-Backhand Deceptive Flick When you are very late (0:57)
13-Hitting Action-Backhand High Lift When Shuttlecock is Spinning (1:18)
14-Hitting Action-Forehand Push Drop from left rear court when under pressure (1:04)
Month 5.
01-Hitting Action-Forehand Tap Clear When Under Pressure (0:54)
02-Hitting Action-Shape & Deceptive Check Drop When Under Pressure (1:24)
03-Hitting Action-Compact Smash When Under Pressure (1:00)
04-Hitting Action-Forehand Steep Stick Smash in Singles (1:23)
05-Hitting Action-Forehand Slice Net Kill (1:23)
06-Hitting Action-Forehand Brush Net Kill (1:00)
07-Hitting Action-Forehand Spin Net (1:07)
08-Hitting Action-Forehand Straight Deceptive Net Drop (1:09)
09-Hitting Action-Forehand Three Level Deceptive Cross Net (1:21)
10-Hitting Action-Forehand Smash Clear (0:52)
11-Hitting Action-Forehand Deceptive Cross Slice Drop When Under Pressure (1:11)
12-Hitting Action-Forehand Clear When Under Pressure from Right Rear (1:10)
13-Hitting Action-The Most Decepive Clear-Three Stages Deception (1:39)
14-Hitting Action-Straight Backhand Clear (1:05)
Month 6.
01-Hitting Action-Backhand Smash to an Empty Place in Singles (1:24)
02-Hitting Action-Backhand Smash to Opponent's Body in Singles (1:01)
03-Hitting Action-Backhand Revers Slice Deceptive Straight Drop (0:50)
04-Hitting Action-Backhand Brush Net Kill (0:52)
05-Hitting Action-Jump Power Smash (1:25)
06-Hitting Action-Jump Smash When Shuttlecock is Low & Short (1:11)
07-Hitting Action-Cross Power Smash with Swiched Feet Movement from Right Rear (1:45)
08-Hitting Action-Straight Power Smash with Swiched Feet Movement (1:20)
09-Hitting Action-Cross Power Jump Smash (1:12)
10-Hitting Action-Straight Power Jump Smash From Right Rear (1:04)
11-Hitting Action-Cross Power Smash From Left Rear (1:14)
Month 7.
01-Hitting Action-1-Soft Interception At The Net in Doubles (1:48)
02-Hitting Action-2-Forehand Interception At The Net in Doubles (1:19)
03-Hitting Action-3-Left Side Interception At The Net In Doubles (3:03)
04-Hitting Action-4-Right Side Underarm Hitting Skills (2:55)
05-Hitting Action-5-Left Side Underarm Hitting Skills (2:18)
06-Hitting Action-Forehand Straight Net Drop
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