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Course 60. Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour - Full DVD (Created in 2012)
Course 60. Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (Created in 2012)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (1) Cheating Line Calls (5:25)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (2) The Player who says I should have won (2:56)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (3) Excuses, excuses and excues (3:06)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (4) Player who id depending on his parents (2:57)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (5) King and Servant (1:43)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (6) Lecturing partner (3:44)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (7) Talking to him self (3:54)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (8) Become a puppy in a warm house (3:05)
Poor badminton player's behaviour (9) Cheating line calls 2 (4:20)
Poor badminton player's behaviour (10) How am I look (5:05)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (11) Funny and cheating deception (4:32)
poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (12) Angry at shuttlecocks (3:11)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (13) Emotionally fighting (4:43)
Poor Badminton Player's Behaviour (4) Player who id depending on his parents
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