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1-Badminton-FUN CLIP-You can do it! If you have good posture (Do not do it in a match) - FROM COURSE 2 (2:44)
2-Badminton-FUN CLIP-You can do it! if you have a very loose grip - FROM COURSE 2 (4:08)
3. What is "STEP ONE"? - FROM COURSE 1 (3:23)
4. Comparing all the right and wrong CLEAR steps - FROM COURSE 3 (3:48)
5. The most powerful BACKHAND CLEAR hitting skill "The Wave" (1) What is it? - FROM COURSE 5 (8:06)
6. Detail grip for backhand drop shot - FROM COURSE 7 (6:51)
7. Be Strong Against Better one and Respect Weaker one - FROM COURSE 8 (3:51)
8. What is the "Recovery Step" FROM COURSE 9 (2:08)
9. Smash Defence in doubles - Right body posture FROM COURSE 10 (5:15)
10. Forehand Clear- What you must consider - FROM COURSE 16 (5:39)
11. Alternative and different concept footwork skills (Waht is it?) - FROM COURSE 17 (3:14)
12. How to Do Forehand Tap Drive (What is it?) - FROM COURSE 24 (2:24)
13. Deceptive Revers Slice Drop Shot (What is it?) - FROM COURSE 33 (3:49)
14. Deceptive Slice Drop Shot From Right Rear Court (What is it?) - FROM COURSE 38 (2:53)
15. Backhand Deceptive Net Flick (What is it?) - FROM COURSE 47 (3:56)
16. How to Teach Smash Defence in Doubles (1) Teach the right location - FROM COURSE 52 (4:33)
17. Correction 1. Clear, drop & smash-Turning Face & Body too much to side - FROM COURSE 499 (8:13)
18. Task 19. Doubles Positioning practice - FROM COURSE 500 - Month 1 (7:04)
19. Lesson 14. The Best Tactics In Singles - FROM COURSE 501-Month 1 (8:07)
20. Lesson 4. Do not feed from the centre all the time - FROM COURSE 502 Month 1 (4:32)
21-Hitting Action-Forehand Clear - FROM COURSE 497. Month 1. (2:26)
22-Hitting Action-Forehand Tap Net Kill - FROM COURSE 497. Month 1. (2:08)
18. Task 19. Doubles Positioning practice - FROM COURSE 500 - Month 1
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