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Course 500. 12 SINGLES Training Course - 12 Month Program
Month 1. Important Footwork Skills and Tactics You Must Know In Singles-1
Lesson 1. Where is the right base in singles? (4:57)
Lesson 2. Change your feet position as location of shuttlecock changes (9:12)
Lesson 3. Three different types of footwork to Forehand Net (4:45)
Lesson 4. Forehand net Footwork Practice & corrections-1 (6:15)
Lesson 5. Forehand net footwork practice & corrections-2 (3:47)
Lesson 6. Forehand net footwork practice & corrections-3 (9:09)
Lesson 7. Backhand net footwork type 1 and 2 (7:47)
Lesson 8. Backhand net footwork type 3, 4 and 5 (4:13)
Lesson 9. Footwork correction-1 (do not use toes at the base) (3:53)
Lesson 10. Footwork correction-2 (do not land on toes at the impact) (2:12)
Lesson 11. Different feet positions for different shots (3:20)
Lesson 12. Backhand footwork correction-3 (how to start & how to recover) (7:55)
Lesson 13. Forehand and backhand net footwork Conclusion (3:20)
Lesson 14. What is the best TACTICS in singles-The wrong ideas and the right ideas (8:07)
Lesson 15. The 5 most important TACTICS in singles-1 & 2 (good clears & straight shots) (12:25)
Lesson 16. The 5 most important TACTICS in singles-3 (deceptive straight flick) (3:21)
Lesson 17. The 5 most important TACTICS in singles-4 (Do early straight net shot) (2:42)
Lesson 18. The 5 most important TACTICS in singles-5 (play simple and make less errors) (5:20)
Lesson 19. Conclusion in singles BASIC TACTICS (3:11)
New Lecture
Month 2. Important Footwork Skills and Tactics You Must Know In Singles-2
Lesson 1. The most important step you must do after high long service in singles (13:16)
Lesson 2. The right timing of "STEP ONE" after high long service (5:09)
Lesson 3. The most important step you must do after short service in singles (12:01)
Lesson 4. The most important step you must do when you return high long service in singles (10:07)
Lesson 5. The step you must do when you return short service in singles (5:50)
Lesson 6. Forehand service or backhand service? Which service should I do in singles? (4:41)
Lesson 7. TACTICS-Different types of services in singles & where to serve & when to use? (12:48)
Lesson 8. TACTICS-The best and the worst return short service- from left side (8:48)
Lesson 9. TACTICS-The best and the worst return short service- from right side (9:22)
Lesson 10. TACTICS-How to return high service (1) Must do it first (2:53)
Lesson 11. TACTICS-The best and the worst return of high service (5:48)
Lesson 12. TACTICS-3 Tactical situations in singles you must know (1) What are they? (2:41)
Lesson 13. TACTICS-3 Tactical situations in singles (2) Attacking situation-What to do? (6:06)
Lesson 14. TACTICS-3 Tactical situations in singles (3) Under attack-What to do? (7:20)
Lesson 15. TACTICS-3 Tactical situations in singles (4) 50:50 situation-What to do? (10:10)
Lesson 17. Footwork-Right side - Where to cover (7:44)
Lesson 16. Footwork-Left side - Where to cover (3:25)
Lesson 18. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid - Will’s Clear Hitting Action - Before and Now (4:05)
Lesson 19. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (1) Moving racket not the shortest way (3:35)
Lesson 20. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (2) Placing elbow behind head (8:06)
Lesson 21. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (3) Too much pronation (5:39)
Lesson 22. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (4) Winding swing behind head (6:59)
Lesson 23. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (5) Trying to hit above head (6:58)
Lesson 24. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (6) Elbow opening too much (5:20)
Lesson 25. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (7) Putting elbow downward (3:40)
Lesson 26. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (8) Turn side and hit side and look side (8:59)
Lesson 27. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (9) Scratch back and hit (3:02)
Lesson 28. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (10) Swing diagonally (2:57)
Lesson 29. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (11) Hitting with whole arm not wrist (4:06)
Lesson 30. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (12) Bending wrist downward & Cocking wrist too much (6:23)
Lesson 31. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (13) Not changing grip (7:06)
Lesson 32. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (14) Start hitting action too early (5:07)
Lesson 33. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (15) Not doing full Stop and Start shape (4:52)
Lesson 34. CLEAR-16 Hitting Skills Should Avoid (16) Winding in & out swing instead of "Wave Action" (10:03)
Month 3. To Know and Understand All The Important Basic Footwork and Hitting Skills
Task 1. Footwork-Forehand net (2:44)
Task 2. Footwork-Backhand net (3:33)
Task 3. Footwork-Forehand Side (3:45)
Task 4. Footwork-Backhand Side-Type 1 (2:20)
Task 5. Footwork-Backhand Side-Type 2 (2:28)
Task 6. Footwork-Left Rear Type 1 (1:58)
Task 7. Footwork-Left Rear Type 2 (2:31)
Task 8. Footwork-Left Rear Type 3 (2:39)
Task 9. Footwork-Right Rear Type 1 (3:08)
Task 10. Footwork-Right Rear Type 2 (2:19)
Task 11. Footwork-Right Rear Type 3 (2:27)
Task 12. Footwork-After High Service (4:12)
Task 13. Footwork-After Short Service (2:52)
Task 14. Footwork-When Receiving High Service (2:06)
Task 15. Footwork-When Receiving Short Service (1:24)
Task 16. Footwork-Backhand Drop (1:36)
Task 17. Footwork-Backhand Clear (1:15)
Task 18. Hitting Skills-Backhand Net Drop (Straight) (6:17)
Task 19. Hitting Skills-Backhand Cross Net Drop (6:44)
Task 20. Hitting Skills-Backhand Straight & Cross Net Drop (2:33)
Task 21. Hitting Skills-Forehand Straight Net Drop (8:20)
Task 22. Hitting Skills-Forehand Cross Net Drop (3:09)
Task 23. Hitting Skills-Forehand Straight & Cross Net Drop (2:29)
Task 24. Hitting Skills-Backhand Straight Lift (3:29)
Task 25. Hitting Skills-Backhand Cross Lift (1:49)
Task 26. Hitting Skills-Backhand Straight & Cross Lift (3:40)
Task 27. Hitting Skills-Forehand Straight Lift (3:50)
Task 28. Hitting Skills-Forehand Cross Lift (2:13)
Task 29. Hitting Skills-ForehandStraight & Cross Lift (3:55)
Month 4. Training The Skills
Task 1. Straight Drop from left Rear-Feeding from right (2:24)
Task 2. Straight Drop from left Rear-Feeding from left (1:20)
Task 3. Cross Drop from left Rear-Feeding from right (1:06)
Task 4. Straight Drop from right Rear-Feeding from right (1:27)
Task 5. Cross Drop from right Rear-Feeding from left (1:52)
Task 6. Backhand Net & Cross Drop from left-Feeding from right (1:54)
Task 7. Forehand Net & Straight Drop from left-Feeding from left (2:16)
Task 8. Net & Straight Drop from right-Feeding from right (1:38)
Task 9. Forehand Net & Cross Shape Drop from right-Feeding from left (1:42)
Task 10. Backhand Net & Straight Clear from Left-Feeding from right (1:13)
Task 11. Forehand Net & Straight Clear from Left-Feeding from left (1:13)
Task 12. Backhand Side Block & Forehand Clear or Forehand Straight Net-feeding from RIGHT (1:48)
Task 13. Forehand Side Block & Forehand Clear or Backhand Straight Net-feeding from LEFT (1:47)
Task 14. Net Drop from Both Side to LEFT Front Corner (2:11)
Task 15. Net Drop from Both Side to RIGHT Front Corner (2:40)
Task 16. Drop Shot from Both Rear Court to RIGHT Front Corner (1:30)
Task 17. Drop Shot from Both Rear Court to LEFT Front Corner (2:00)
Task 18. Deception-Backhand Straight Deceptive Net Drop (1:50)
Task 19. Deception-Backhand Deceptive Net FLICK (1:14)
Task 20. Deception-Backhand Deceptive Net FLICK & Deceptive Net Drop (1:27)
Task 21. Deception-Backhand Cross Deceptive Net Drop (Three level deception) (1:18)
Task 22. Deception-Two Deception Same Time (Cross & Straight) (1:37)
Task 23. Service Return-Straight & Cross Attack Clear Return from High Service from RIGHT SIDE (3:24)
Task 24. Service Return-Straight & Cross Drop Return from High Service from RIGHT SIDE (2:31)
Task 25. Service Return-Straight & Cross SMASH Return from High Service from RIGHT SIDE (2:27)
Task 26. 1 on 1-1-Straight Drop & Straight Lift on LEFT Side (1:20)
Task 27. 1 on 1-2-Straight Drop & Straight Lift on RIGHT Side (1:30)
Task 28. 2 on 1-1-Clear from LEFT rear & Smash Defence Both Side to LEFT Side (1:32)
Task 29. Advanced Shape Push Off Training to Forehand Net (1:22)
Task 30. Advanced Shape Push Off Training to Backhand Net (1:31)
Task 32. Advanced Footwork-T-Fast Feet and Push Off Training (Pointing from RIGHT) (1:37)
Task 31. Advanced Footwork-T-Fast Feet and Push Off Training (Pointing from LEFT) (2:29)
Task 33. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (Both Side Net) (2:02)
Task 34. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (Side to Side) (1:15)
Task 35. Weight-Jacket-Fast feet and push off (point from RIGHT) (1:11)
Task 36. Weight-Jacket-Fast feet and push off (point from LEFT) (1:12)
Task 37. The Training You Must Do Everyday-1-Wrist, Swing and Finger Power Training (14:42)
Task 38. The Training You Must Do Everyday-2-Fitness Training (13:46)
Month 5. Training The Skills
Task 1. Straight Clear from left rear-feeding from right (1:12)
Task 2. Straight Clear from left rear-feeding from left (1:24)
Task 3. Straight Clear from right rear-feeding from right (1:32)
Task 4. Straight Clear from right rear-feeding from left (1:29)
Task 5. Straight drop & Straight clear from left-feeding from right (1:50)
Task 6. Cross drop from right & Straight clear from left-feeding from right (1:50)
Task 7. Straight drop from left & Straight drop from right-feeding from right (1:19)
Task 8. Backhand net & straight clear from right-feeding from right (1:33)
Task 9. Forehand net & straight clear from right-feeding from left (1:32)
Task 10. Forehand drop from right & straight clear from right-feeding from left (1:36)
Task 11. Straight Drop from right & straight clear from left-feeding from left (1:47)
Task 12. Backhand Side Block & Forehand Net or Backhand Net-feeding from RIGHT (2:30)
Task 13. Forehand Side Block & Forehand Net or Backhand Net-feeding from LEFT (1:49)
Task 14. Straight Drop Shot from LEFT Rear & Net Drop from LEFT Front (2:05)
Task 15. Cross Drop Shot from Right Rear & Net Drop from LEFT Front (1:08)
Task 16. Deception-Backhand Deceptive Attack Cross Net (1:16)
Task 17. Deception-Backhand Deceptive Attack Straight Net (1:10)
Task 18. Deception-Forehand Deceptive Straight Net (1:42)
Task 19. Deception-Forehand Deceptive Net Flick (1:07)
Task 20. Service Return-Straight & Cross Attack Clear Return from High Service from LEFT SIDE (2:04)
Task 21. Service Return-Straight & Cross DROP Return from High Service from LEFT SIDE (1:38)
Task 22. Service Return-Straight & Cross Smash Return from High Service from LEFT SIDE (1:49)
Task 23. 1 on 1-3-Cross Drop & Cross Lift on RIGHT Side (1:24)
Task 24. 1 on 1-4-Cross Drop & Cross Lift on LEFT Side (1:31)
Task 25. 2 on 1-2-Clear Right Rear & Smash Defence Both Side to RIGHT Side (1:53)
Task 26 Advanced Shape Push Off Training to LEFT Rear (1:23)
Task 27. Advanced Shape Push Off Training to RIGHT Rear (1:11)
Task 28. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (forehand net & Backhand Side) (0:55)
Task 29. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (Backhand net & Forehand Side) (1:03)
Task 30. Weight-Jacket-Bend Knee and push off (point from RIGHT) (1:15)
Task 31. Weight-Jacket-Bend Knee and push off (point from LEFT) (1:13)
Task 32. The Training You Must Do Everyday-1-Fitness Training (13:46)
Task 33. The Training You Must Do Everyday-2-Wrist, Swing and Finger Power Training (14:42)
Month 6. Training The Skills
Task 1. Forehand Straight Net-feeding from right (1:33)
Task 2. Backhand Straight Net-feeding from right (1:07)
Task 3. Backhand Straight Net-feeding from left (1:21)
Task 4. Forehand Straight Net-feeding from left (1:12)
Task 5. Backhand Side Block & straight clear from lefft-feeding from right (1:29)
Task 6. Backhand Side Block & straight clear from ight-feeding from right (1:06)
Task 7. Forehand Side Block & straight clear from right-feeding from left (1:21)
Task 8. Forehand Side Block & straight clear from left-feeding from left (1:24)
Task 9. Straight Clear & Cross Clear from left rear-feeding from right (2:00)
Task 10. Straight Clear & Cross Clear from right rear-feeding from right (1:15)
Task 11. Backhand Side Block & Straight Clear from both rear-feeding from RIGHT (2:08)
Task 12. Forehand Side Block & Straight Clear from both rear-feeding from LEFT (1:32)
Task 13. Drop Shot from Left Rear & Net Drop from RIGHT Front (1:09)
Task 14. Straight Drop Shot from Right Rear & Net Drop from RIGHT Front (1:10)
Task 15. Deception-Two Deception-Forehand Deceptive Net Flick & Deceptive Net (1:14)
Task 16. Deception-Three Level Deceptive Cross Net (1:29)
Task 17. Deception-Two Deception-Three Level Deceptive Cross Net or Straight Net (1:23)
Task 18. Deception-Two Deception-Three Level Deceptive Cross Net or Deceptive Flick (1:49)
Task 19. 1 on 1-5-Full Court Straight Drop & Straight Net (1:47)
Task 20. 2 on 1-3-Backhand Straight Lift & Smash Defence Both Side to RIGHT Side (1:49)
Task 21. Advanced Shape Push Off Training to LEFT Rear & SAMASH (1:42)
Task 22. Advanced Shape Push Off Training to RIGHT Rear & SAMASH (0:59)
Task 23. Footwork Skills When Receiving High Service (2:15)
Task 24. Footwork Skills When Receiving Short Service (1:26)
Task 25. Footwork Skills for Backhand Drop (1:36)
Task 26. Footwork Skills for Backhand Clear (1:16)
Task 27. Advanced Footwork-T-Bend Knee and Push Off Training (Pointing from RIGHT) (2:57)
Task 28. Advanced Footwork-T-Bend Knee and Push Off Training (Pointing from RIGHT) (1:49)
Task 29. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (Both net & Both Side) Feeding from RIGHT (1:13)
Task 30. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (Both net & Both Side) Feeding from LEFT (1:08)
Task 31. Weight-Jacket-Two Corner PUSH OFF Work (point from RIGHT) (1:10)
Task 32. Weight-Jacket-Two Corner PUSH OFF Work (point from LEFT) (1:17)
Task 33. The Training You Must Do Everyday-1-Wrist, Swing and Finger Power Training (14:42)
Task 34. The Training You Must Do Everyday-2-Fitness Training (13:46)
Month 7. Training The Skills
Task 1. Forehand Straight lift-feeding from right (1:53)
Task 2. Backhand Straight lift-feeding from right (1:55)
Task 3. Straight lift-feeding from left (1:02)
Task 4. Forehand Straight lift-feeding from left (1:16)
Task 5. Straight Clear from both rear-feeding from right (1:30)
Task 6. Straight Clear & Cross clear from right rear-feeding from left (1:55)
Task 7. Straight Clear & Cross clear from left rear-feeding from left (1:11)
Task 8. Straight Clear from both rear-feeding from left (1:57)
Task 9. Backhand Straight net & forehand straight net-feeding from right (1:37)
Task 10. Forehand Straight net & backhand straight net-feeding from left (1:40)
Task 11. Forehand Straight Lift & BOTH Side Block-feeding from RIGHT (1:22)
Task 12. Forehand Straight Lift & BOTH Side Block-feeding from LEFT (1:58)
Task 13. Straight Drop Shot from LEFT Rear & Cross Net Drop from RIGHT Front (1:38)
Task 14. Straight Drop Shot from RIGHT Rear & Cross Net Drop from LEFT Front (1:17)
Task 15. Side Net Drop-Feeding from Right and RANDOM (2:05)
Task 16. Deception-Deceptive attack Cross Net (1:35)
Task 17. Deception-Two Deception-Deceptive Cross Net & Deceptive Flick (1:15)
Task 18. Deception-Deceptive Attack Straight Net (1:59)
Task 19. Deception-Backhand Spin Net (2:11)
Task 20. 1 on 1-7-Straight Clear & Net/Straight Drop & Lift on RIGHT Side (2:26)
Task 21. 1 on 1-8-Straight Clear & Net/Straight Drop & Lift on LEFT Side (2:03)
Task 22. 2 on 1-4-Lift From Both Net & Smash Defence Both Side to LEFT Side (1:36)
Task 23. Advanced Anticipation Training to RIGHT front and KILL (2:37)
Task 24. Advanced Anticipation Training to LEFT front and KILL (1:54)
Task 25. Advanced Anticipation Training to RIGHT Rear and SMASH (1:19)
Task 26. Advanced Footwork-T-Two Corner (Pointing from RIGHT) (2:06)
Task 27. Advanced Footwork-T-Two Corner (Pointing from LEFT) (1:25)
Task 28. Advanced Footwork-T-Two Corner Net & Rear (Pointing from RIGHT) (1:36)
Task 29. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (Both rear Corner) Feeding from RIGHT (1:35)
Task 30. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (Both rear Corner) Feeding from LEFT (1:17)
Task 31. Weight-Jacket-Two Corner PUSH OFF Work (point from RIGHT) (1:10)
Task 32. Weight-Jacket-Two Corner PUSH OFF Work (point from LEFT) (1:17)
Task 33. The Training You Must Do Everyday-1-Wrist, Swing and Finger Power Training (14:42)
Task 34. The Training You Must Do Everyday-2-Fitness Training (13:46)
Month 8. Training The Skills
Task 1. Forehand Straight Early Net-feeding from right (1:28)
Task 2. Straight Smash from LEFT rear-feeding from left (1:46)
Task 3. Cross Smash from LEFT rear-feeding from right (1:22)
Task 4. Backhand Straight net & backhand attack cross net-feeding from right (2:01)
Task 5. Forehand Straight net & forehand attack cross net-feeding from left (1:25)
Task 6. Backhand Straight lift & forehand straight lift-feeding from right (1:38)
Task 7. Backhand Straight & cross lift-feeding from right (1:36)
Task 8. Straight lift & backhand straight lift-feeding from left (1:37)
Task 9. Forehand Straight lift & cross lift-feeding from left (1:49)
Task 10. Forehand Straight Lift & cross lift-feeding from right (1:23)
Task 11. Straight Clear from Left rear & BOTH Side Block-feeding from RIGHT (1:46)
Task 12. Straight Clear from RIGHT rear & BOTH Side Block-feeding from RIGHT (1:27)
Task 13. Both Side Net Drop-Feeding from LEFT and RANDOM (1:12)
Task 14. Drop from Both Both Rear-Feeding from RIGHT and RANDOM (1:09)
Task 15. Deception-Forehand Spin Net (3:10)
Task 16. Deception-Forehand Brush Net Kill (1:43)
Task 17. Deception-Backhand Brush Net Kill (1:20)
Task 18. Deception-The Most Deceptive Clear-With Three Level Deception (2:44)
Task 19. 1 on 1-9-Drop from Right Rear & Clear from LEFT rear (2:02)
Task 20. 1 on 1-10-Drop from LEFT Rear & Clear from RIGHT rear (2:11)
Task 21. 2 on 1-5-Clear & Smash Defence from Both Side-Feeding from Right (1:27)
Task 22. Advanced Anticipation Training to LEFT Rear and SMASH (1:44)
Task 23. Advanced Anticipation Training to All Four Corners & Attack (2:21)
Task 24. Advanced Training TURN & TURN & PUSH OFF All Corners (2:01)
Task 25. Advanced Footwork-T-Two Corner Net & Rear (Pointing from LEFT) (1:49)
Task 26. Advanced Footwork-T-Two Corner Right side to Left side (Pointing from RIGHT) (1:17)
Task 27. Advanced Footwork-T-Two Corner LEFT side to Right side (Pointing from LEFT) (1:23)
Task 28. Advanced Footwork-T-Four Corner for Change Direction (Pointing from RIGHT) (1:29)
Task 29. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (Both rear Corner) Feeding from RIGHT (1:35)
Task 30. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (Both rear Corner) Feeding from LEFT (1:17)
Task 31. Weight-Jacket-Turn & Turn PUSH OFF Work (point from RIGHT) (1:26)
Task 32. Weight-Jacket-Turn & Turn PUSH OFF Work (point from LEFT) (0:56)
Task 33. Weight-Jacket-Fast Footwork to Right Net (point from RIGHT) (0:55)
Task 34. Weight-Jacket-Fast Footwork to LEFT Net (point from LEFT) (1:08)
Task 35. The Training You Must Do Everyday-1-Wrist, Swing and Finger Power Training (14:42)
Task 36. The Training You Must Do Everyday-2-Fitness Training
Month 9. Training The Skills
Task 1. Straight Side Jump Smash from RIght rear-feeding from right (2:04)
Task 2. Jump Cross Smash from RIGHT rear-feeding from left (1:23)
Task 3. Switched Step Smash from RIGHT rear-feeding from right (2:09)
Task 4. Switched Step Smash from RIGHT rear-feeding from right (3:03)
Task 5. Forehand Cross net & backhand straight lift-feeding from ight (1:19)
Task 6. Backhand Cross net & forehand straight lift-feeding from left (1:29)
Task 7. Forehand Straight lift & backhand straight spin net-feeding from left (1:48)
Task 8. Backhand Straight lift & forehand early straight net-feeding from right (1:34)
Task 9. Straight Drop from left rear & backhand straight net-feeding from right (1:43)
Task 10. Cross Drop from left & forehand straight net-feeding from left (1:21)
Task 11. Straight Drop from right & forehand straight net-feeding from left (1:20)
Task 12. Straight Clear from RIGHT rear & BOTH Side Block-feeding from LEFT (1:45)
Task 13. Straight Clear from LEFT rear & BOTH Side Block-feeding from LEFT (1:26)
Task 14. Drop from Both Both Rear-Feeding from LEFT and RANDOM (1:06)
Task 15. Straight Drop & Net from LEFT rear & Net-Feeding from RIGHT and RANDOM (1:15)
Task 16. Straight Drop & Net from RIGHT rear & Net-Feeding from LEFT and RANDOM (1:11)
Task 17. Deception-Deceptive Compact Push Drop When Under Pressure (2:35)
Task 18. Deception-Deceptive Compact Check Smash When Under Pressure (3:30)
Task 19. Deception-Two Deceptions-Deceptive Check Smash & Deceptive Compact Push Drop (2:25)
Task 20. Deception-Deceptive Punch Clear When Under Pressure (2:42)
Task 21. 1 on 1-12-Straight Drop from LEFT Rear & Straight Smash from RIGHT rear (2:01)
Task 22. 1 on 1-13-Straight Drop from LEFT Rear & Straight Smash from RIGHT rear & Straight Net (3:12)
Task 23. 2 on 1-6-Defence Opponent's RANDOM Clear & Smash-Feeding from RIGHT (1:32)
Task 24. Advanced Training-Three Shot Finish-Attack Clear, Smash & Kill-LEFT Side (2:38)
Task 25. Advanced Training-Three Shot Finish-Attack Clear, Smash & Kill-Right Side (1:32)
Task 26. Advanced Training-Three Shot Finish-Cross Attack Clear, Smash & Kill-LEFT Side (1:18)
Task 27. Advanced Footwork-T-Four Corner for Change Direction (Pointing from LEFT) (1:23)
Task 28. Advanced Footwork-T-Four Corner for Power & Reaction (Pointing from RIGHT) (1:18)
Task 29. Advanced Footwork-T-Four Corner for Power & Reaction (Pointing from LEFT) (1:15)
Task 30. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (RIGHT rear & Left Side) Feeding from LEFT (1:14)
Task 31. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (LEFT rear & RIGHT Side) Feeding from RIGHT (1:04)
Task 32. Weight-Jacket-Fast Foot Work to LEFT rear (point from RIGHT) (1:24)
Task 33. Weight-Jacket-Fast Foot Work to RIGHT rear (point from LEFT) (1:19)
Task 34. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-Both Net (feeding from right) (0:58)
Task 35. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-Both Net (feeding from LEFT) (1:01)
Task 36. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-Both Side (feeding from RIGHT) (0:52)
Task 37. The Training You Must Do Everyday-1-Wrist, Swing and Finger Power Training (14:42)
Task 38. The Training You Must Do Everyday-2-Fitness Training (13:46)
Month 10. Training The Skills
Task 1. Side Jump Straight Smash from LEFT rear-feeding from left (1:25)
Task 2. Jump Smash-feeding from left (1:34)
Task 3. Cross Drop from right rear & backhand straight net-feeding from right (1:24)
Task 4. Straight Drop from left & straight net from right net-feeding from right (1:38)
Task 5. Straight Drop from right rear & backhand straight net-feeding from left (1:24)
Task 6. Backhand Straight lift & backhand straight side block-feeding from right (1:23)
Task 7. Forehand Straight lift & backhand straight side block-feeding from right (1:21)
Task 8. Forehand Straight lift & forehand straight side block-feeding from left (1:16)
Task 8. Forehand Straight lift & forehand straight side block-feeding from left (1:16)
Task 9. Backhand Straight lift & forehand straight side block-feeding from left (2:04)
Task 10. Smash from Left rear & net from both side-feeding from LEFT (1:57)
Task 11. Smash from Right rear & net from both side-feeding from RIGHT (1:26)
Task 12. Cross Drop from Right rear & Net from LEFT net-Feeding from RIGHT and RANDOM (1:34)
Task 13. Cross Drop from LEFT rear & Net from RIGHT net-Feeding from LEFT and RANDOM (1:07)
Task 14. Deception-Two Deceptions-Punch Clear & Compact Deceptive Drop (1:49)
Task 15. Deception-Two Deceptions-Punch Clear & Deceptive Check Smash (1:44)
Task 16. Deception-The Most Deceptive Straight Slice Drop from LEFT rear (3:00)
Task 17. Deception-Two Deceptions-Straight Slice Drop & hree Level Deceptive Clear (1:32)
Task 18. 1 on 1-13-Straight Drop from LEFT Rear & Straight Smash from RIGHT rear & Straight Net (3:12)
Task 18. 1 on 1-13-Straight Drop from LEFT Rear & Straight Smash from RIGHT rear & Straight Net (3:12)
Task 19. 1 on 1-14-Straight Drop from RIGHT Rear & Straight Smash from LEFT rear & Straight Net (2:16)
Task 21. 2 on 1-7-Defence Opponent's Clear & Smash-Feeding from LEFT (1:51)
Task 20. Advanced Training-Three Shot Finish-Cross Attack Clear, Smash & Kill-RIGHT Side (1:53)
Task 22. Advanced Training-LEFT Side & Net Shot from Both Front (1:32)
Task 23. Advanced Training-LEFT Side & LIFT from Both Front (1:22)
Task 24. Advanced Footwork-T-Why FAST Footwork Practice is needed and How to do it. (2:33)
Task 25. Advanced Footwork-T-FAST Footwork Forehand Net (pointing from RIGHT) (1:44)
Task 26. Advanced Footwork-T-FAST Footwork Forehand Net (pointing from LEFT) (1:16)
Task 27. Advanced Footwork-T-FAST Footwork to LEFT rear (pointing from RIGHT) (1:20)
Task 28. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (All corner Random) Feeding from LEFT (1:21)
Task 29. Advanced Footwork-T-Catch Shuttlecock (All corner Random) Feeding from RIGHT (1:11)
Task 30. Weight-Jacket-Two corner Push Off -Left rear & right side (point from RIGHT) (1:20)
Task 31. Weight-Jacket-Two corner Push Off-Right rear & Left Side (point from LEFT) (1:10)
Task 32. Weight-Jacket-Two corner Push Off-Backhand Net & RIGHT Side (point from RIGHT) (1:11)
Task 33. Weight-Jacket-Two corner Push Off-Forehand Net & LEFT Side (point from LEFT) (1:14)
Task 34. The Training You Must Do Everyday-1-Wrist, Swing and Finger Power Training (14:42)
Task 35. The Training You Must Do Everyday-2-Fitness Training (13:46)
Month 11. Training The Skills
Task 1. Backhand Cross Drop-feeding from right (1:15)
Task 2. Backhand Straight Drop-feeding from left (1:21)
Task 3. Backhand Straight Clear-feeding from left (1:26)
Task 4. Backhand Cross Clear-feeding from right (1:57)
Task 5. Straight Smash from left-feeding from left (1:35)
Task 6. Cross Smash from left-feeding from right (2:20)
Task 7. Backhand Net & side jump straight smash from right-feeding from right (1:23)
Task 8. Forehand Net & side jump cross smash from right-feeding from left (1:30)
Task 9. Smash from right & net kill from right-feeding from right (1:58)
Task 10. Smash from right rear & net kill from left(feeding from left (1:40)
Task 11. Smash from left rear & net kill from left-feeding from left (1:29)
Task 12. Cross Smash from left rear & net kill from right-feeding from right (1:45)
Task 13. Straight Drop from LEFT rear & Cross Net-Feeding from RIGHT and RANDOM (1:24)
Task 14. Straight Drop from RIGHT rear & Cross Net-Feeding from LEFT and RANDOM (1:01)
Task 15. LIFT from Both Side Net to RIGHT Rear Corner (2:27)
Task 16. Deception-Deceptive Cross Revers Drop from LEFT rear (2:32)
Task 17. Deception-Two Deceptions-Deceptive Cross Revers Drop & Straight Slice Drop (2:39)
Task 18. Deception-Deceptive Cross Slice Drop-Deception on Body Action & Direction (3:13)
Task 19. Deception-Deceptive Straight Revers Slice Drop-Body Action & Direction (2:42)
Task 20. 1 on 1-15-Full Court Straight Drop & Straight Net (1:32)
Task 21. 1 on 1-16-Full Court Cross Drop & Straight Net (1:35)
Task 22. 2 on 1-8-Defence Opponent's RANDOM Clear & Smash-Feeding from LEFT (2:03)
Task 23. Advanced Training-LEFT Side & CLEAR from Both REAR (1:39)
Task 24. Advanced Training-LEFT Side & SMASH from Both REAR (1:28)
Task 25. Advanced Training-RIGHT Side & Net Drop from Both Front (1:24)
Task 26. Advanced Footwork-T-FAST Footwork to RIGHT rear (pointing from LEFT) (1:23)
Task 27. Advanced Footwork-T-Two Corner LEFT rear to Right Side (pointing from RIGHT) (1:48)
Task 28. Advanced Footwork-T-Full Court (30sec x 21) (3:08)
Task 29. Weight-Jacket-Full Court (3 sets of 1 min & 15 sets of 30 sec) (1:44)
Task 30. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-Both rear (feeding from LEFT) (0:47)
Task 31. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-RIGHT rear & Backhand side (feeding from LEFT) (0:52)
Task 32. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-LEFT rear & Forehand side (feeding from RIGHT) (0:50)
Task 33. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-Full Court (1:16)
Task 34. The Training You Must Do Everyday-1-Wrist, Swing and Finger Power Training (14:42)
Task 35. The Training You Must Do Everyday-2-Fitness Training (13:46)
Month 12. Training The Skills
Task 1. Forehand Straight Drop When Under Pressure from RIGHT-feeding from right (1:42)
Task 2. Forehand Cross Drop When Under Pressure from RIGHT-feeding from left (2:00)
Task 3. Forehand Clear When Under Pressure from RIGHT Rear-feeding from right (1:44)
Task 4. Cross Clear When Under Pressure from RIGHT Rear-feeding from left (1:24)
Task 5. Backhand Net & backhand cross drop-feeding from right (1:46)
Task 6. Forehand Net & backhand straight drop-feeding from left (1:24)
Task 7. Forehand Net & backhand straight clear-feeding from left (1:30)
Task 8. Backhand Net & backhand straight Clear-feeding from right (1:20)
Task 9. Backhand Net & under ressure forehand drop from right-feeding from right (1:38)
Task 10. Net & under pressure forehand cross drop from right-feeding from left (1:38)
Task 11. Backhand Net & straight clear when under pressure-feeding from right (1:40)
Task 12. Backhand Net & straight clear when under pressure-feeding from right (1:39)
Task 13. LIFT from Both Side Net to RIGHT Rear Corner-Feeding RANDOM (1:09)
Task 14. LIFT from Both Side Net to LEFT Rear Corner (1:42)
Task 15. LIFT from Both Side Net to LEFT Rear Corner-Feeding RANDOM (2:01)
Task 16. Deception-Two Deceptions-Deceptive Straight Revers Slice Drop & Cross Slice Drop (3:26)
Task 17. Deception-Straight Deceptive Drop When Under Pressure from RIGHT rear) (1:41)
Task 18. Deception-Cross Deceptive Drop When Under Pressure (From RIGHT rear) (2:31)
Task 19. Deception-Three Level Ddeceptive Clear When Under Pessure from RIGHT rear (2:43)
Task 20. Deception-Two Deceptions-Deceptive Drop & Deceptive Clear When Under Pressure (2:15)
Task 21. 1 on 1-17-Full Court Straight Drop (1:21)
Task 22. 1 on 1-18-Full Court Cross Drop (1:21)
Task 23. 2 on 1-9-FULL RANDOM-Return Everything to both Net-Feeding from Both Net (1:36)
Task 24. 2 on 1-10-FULL Court RANDOM-Feeding from Both Rear Court (2:04)
Task 25. Advanced Training-RIGHT Side & LIFT from Both Front (1:20)
Task 26. Advanced Training-RIGHT Side & CLEAR from Both Rear (1:35)
Task 27. Advanced Training-RIGHT Side & SMASH from Both Rear (1:29)
Task 28. Advanced Footwork-T-Two Corner RIGHT rear to Backhand Side (pointing from LEFT) (1:39)
Task 29. Advanced Footwork-T-Two Corner Backhand net to Forehand Side (pointing from RIGHT) (1:42)
Task 30. Advanced Footwork-T-Two Corner Forehand net to Backhand Side (pointing from LEFT) (1:06)
Task 31. Advanced Footwork-T-Full Court (1 min x 3 & 30sec x 15) (3:10)
Task 32. Weight-Jacket-Full Court (21 sets of 30 sec work 30 sec rest) (2:19)
Task 33. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-Both Side (feeding from LEFT) (1:01)
Task 34. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-Forehand net & backhand side (feeding from RIGHT) (0:47)
Task 35. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-Backhand net & Forehand side (feeding from LEFT) (0:58)
Task 36. Weight-Jacket-Catch Shuttlecock-Both net & Both side (feeding from RIGHT) (0:46)
Task 37. The Training You Must Do Everyday-1-Wrist, Swing and Finger Power Training (14:42)
Task 38. The Training You Must Do Everyday-2-Fitness Training (13:46)
Task 18. Deception-Deceptive Attack Straight Net
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