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Course 400. Level Doubles Training Course - 10 Month Program
Introduction and preparing for the course
Who this course is for? (1:51)
When each month course will be published? (0:39)
What should I do to prepare for the course during next 30 days preparing time? (6:49)
74 important doubles clips for you to view during next 30 days to prepare for the course
Month 1 of 12-Learning and Training The Important Basics (Stage 1)
How to do this month tasks (1:27)
Task 1. Forehand net kill (with recovery step) (4:26)
Task 2. Backhand net kill (with recovery step) (3:24)
Task 3. Forehand net kill (without recovery step) (3:03)
Task 4. Backhand net kill (without recovery step) (2:41)
Task 5. Low service and net kill (4:02)
Task 6. Return low service and net kill (4:18)
Task 7. Forehand drive (8:53)
Task 8. Backhand drive (3:17)
Task 9. Returning flick service (4:41)
Task 10. Smash practice (11:29)
Task 11. Backhand smash block (4:35)
Task 12. Forehand smash block (3:56)
Task 13. Smash defence-backhand drive return (4:52)
Task 14. Smash defence-forehand drive return (2:20)
Task 15. Smash defence-backhand lift (5:22)
Task 16. Smash defence-forehand lift (4:20)
Task 17. Forehand clear (3:15)
Task 18. Forehand and backhand lift (2:54)
Task 19. Positioning practice (7:04)
Task 20. Doubles footwork practice-1 (9:04)
Task 21. Doubles footwork practice-2-smash defence (10:31)
Task 22. Wrist and finger power training (14:42)
Task 23. Fitness training (13:46)
Task 24. Backhand low service practice (5:54)
Month 2 of 12- Consolidating The Important Basics (Stage 2)
How to do this month tasks (1:41)
Task 1. Soft intercept at the net (7:04)
Task 2. Intercept (forehand side at the net) (3:48)
Task 3. Intercept (backhand side at the net) (2:49)
Task 4. Intercept-using forehand (backhand side at the net) (4:02)
Task 5. Intercept-advanced (forehand side at the net) (3:41)
Task 6. Intercept-advanced (backhand side at the net) (1:53)
Task 7. Intercept-advanced (backhand side at the net-using forehand) (2:24)
Task 8. Intercept-anticipated (forehand side at the net) (5:52)
Task 9. Intercept-anticipated (backhand side at the net) (2:23)
Task 10. Intercept-anticipated (backhand side at the net-using forehand) (2:45)
Task 11. Forehand drive training-3 different types (3:02)
Task 12. Backhand drive training-3 different types (3:01)
Task 13. Push and Defence Training 1 (11:44)
Task 14. Push and Defence Training 2 (10:31)
Task 15. Smash defence after lift and clear (12:08)
Task 16. Smash and jump smash (8:25)
Task 17. Service return training - return low servce and flick service (9:58)
Task 18. Footwok training 1-net shot and intercept side (8:02)
Task 19. Footwok training 2-smash and drive (8:08)
Task 20. Footwok training 3-smash defence and drive (7:24)
Task 21. Low service-common mistakes (8:30)
Task 22. Repeat month 1 item 1 - Positioning practice (7:04)
Task 23. Repeat month 1 item 2 - Wrist and finger power training (14:42)
Task 24. Repeat month 1 item 3 - Fitness training (13:46)
Task 25. Repeat month 1 item 4 - Backhand low service practice (5:54)
Month 3 of 12-Mastering the Important Basics (stage 3)
Task 1. Intercept and net kill (6:43)
Task 2. Net push and intercept (3:23)
Task 3. Backhand under arm net, middle and deep drive (6:30)
Task 4. Forehand under arm net, middle and deep drive (3:24)
Task 5. Forehand under arm net (straight & cross) (5:16)
Task 6. Backhand under arm net (straight & cross) (3:39)
Task 7. Forehand under arm middle (straight & cross) (2:42)
Task 8. Backhand under arm middle (straight & cross) (3:11)
Task 9. Forehand under arm deep drive (straight & cross) (6:17)
Task 10. Backhand under arm deep drive (straight & cross) (5:15)
Task 11. Backhand rear court shape return (staright & cross) (5:12)
Task 12. Forehand rear court shape return (staright & cross) (4:55)
Task 13. Side block & rear defence (3:24)
Task 14. Forehand side block and step smash (3:13)
Task 15. Backhand side block and step smash (2:39)
Task 16. Backhand side block and jump smash (3:56)
Task 17. Forehand side block and jump smash (3:12)
Task 18. How to do push and defence drill right (6:01)
Task 19. How to do smash lift drill right (5:23)
Task 20. Footwork training-1 (net area) (5:33)
Task 21. Footwork training-2 (middle & rear court) (3:41)
Task 22. Footwork training-3 (half court) (2:21)
Task 23. Fitness training-1 (fast feet & sprinting) (3:22)
Task 24. Fitness training-2 (jumps) (1:22)
Task 25. Fitness training-3 (sit up) (1:31)
Task 26. REPEAT-Wrist and finger power training (14:42)
Task 27. REPEAT-Fitness training (13:46)
Task 28. REPEAT-Backhand low service practice (5:54)
Task 29. REPEAT-Low service-common mistakes (8:30)
Month 4 of 12-Entering the Advanced Training (stage 4)
Introduction (1:37)
Task 1. Smash training-Forehand side footwork and smash (left rear) (4:18)
Task 2. Smash training-Forehand side footwork and smash (right rear) (3:31)
Task 3. Smash training-Left side footwork and smash (left rear) (3:26)
Task 4. Smash training-Left side footwork and smash (right rear) (3:04)
Task 5. Left side footwork and net kill using forehand (left front) (2:40)
Task 6. Left side footwork and net kill using backhand (left front) (2:26)
Task 7. Left side footwork and forehand net kill (2:21)
Task 8. Right side footwork and forehand net kill (2:15)
Task 9. Right side footwork and net kill at the left net (using forehand) (2:21)
Task 10. Soft drive 2v1 drill (one straight and one cross) (3:40)
Task 11. Soft drive 2v1 drill (two straight) (2:13)
Task 12. Soft drive 2v1 drill (random) (2:04)
Task 13. Defence training 2v1 drill (one straight and one cross) (2:01)
Task 14. Defence 2v1 drill (two straight) (2:45)
Task 15. Straight drop and straight soft drive (2:50)
Task 16. Cross drop and straight soft drive (2:27)
Task 17. Drop and soft drive (random) (2:24)
Task 18. Push and defence (2v1) Three different places (4:41)
Task 19. Defence practice (2v1) (4:37)
Task 20. First 3 shot practice after returning low service (4:27)
Task 21. First 3 shot practice after returning flick service (3:03)
Task 22. Net attack practice 1 (7:40)
Task 23. Net attack practice 2 (2:49)
Task 24. Full half court defence practice (3:52)
Task 25. Moving shuttlecocks training (4:41)
Task 26. Skipping (3:50)
Task 27. Circuit training (3:42)
Task 28. REPEAT-Backhand low service practice (5:54)
Task 29. REPEAT-Wrist and finger power training (14:42)
Task 30. REPEAT-Positioning practice (7:04)
Task 31. REPEAT-Fitness training (13:46)
Task 32. REPEAT-Low service-common mistakes (8:30)
Month 5 of 12-Consolidating the Advanced Training (stage 5)
Task 1. Preparing your self--Ask this question to your self, WHY you do this session? (7:07)
Task 2. Warm up-Running-3 sets of 10 (3:11)
Task 3. Warm up-Sprinting-2 sets of 10 (2:05)
Task 4. Warm up-Side step-1 set of 10 (1:17)
Task 5. Footwork-Net-forehand side forehand net (1:14)
Task 6. Footwork-Net-forehand side backhand net (1:11)
Task 7. Footwork-Net-backhand side backhand net (2:02)
Task 8. Footwork-Net-backhand side backhand net but forehand kill (1:09)
Task 9. Footwork-Left rear smash right side drive 3 sets 10 (1:37)
Task 10. Footwork-Left rear smash left side drive 3 sets 10 (1:08)
Task 11. Footwork-Right rear smash left side drive 3 sets 10 (1:22)
Task 12. Footwork-Right rear smash right side drive 3 sets 10 (1:11)
Task 13. Footwork-Jump smash 1 smal step 3 sets of 10 (1:18)
Task 14. Footwork-Jump smash no step 3 sets of 10 (1:07)
Task 15. Shuttlecock work-Push and defence straight right side direction 2 sets of 50 (2:51)
Task 16. Shuttlecock work-Push and defence diagnal left direction 2 sets of 50 (1:29)
Task 17. Shuttlecock work-Push and defence straight left side direction 2 sets of 50 (1:30)
Task 18. Shuttlecock work-Push and defence diagnal right side direction 2 sets of 50 (1:44)
Task 19. Shuttlecock work-2 block and 3rd lift 2 sets of 10 right lift (1:34)
Task 20. Shuttlecock work-2 block and 3rd lift 2 sets of 10 left lift (0:54)
Task 21. Shuttlecock work-backhand block forehand lift 5 sets of 10 (1:21)
Task 22. Shuttlecock work-Forehand block backhand lift 5 sets of 10 (1:34)
Task 23. Shuttlecock work-Choice to block or lift 5 sets of 10 (2:31)
Task 24. Shuttlecock work-Choice to block or lift 5 sets of 10 right side diagnal (1:55)
Task 25. Shuttlecock work-Choice to block or lift 5 sets of 10 left side diagnal (1:46)
Task 26. Shuttlecock work-positioning practice from rear court (3:26)
Task 27. Shuttlecock work-positioning practice from net (4:26)
Task 28. Fitness-one leg side jump 10 set of 10 jumps (1:38)
Task 29. Fitness-Bend knee and hold it 1 minute (1:23)
Task 30. Fitness-Bend knee and hold it 1.5 minute (1:26)
Task 31. Fitness-Bend knee and hold it 2 minutes (1:14)
Task 32. Fitness-Skipping one jump 3 sets of 100 (1:14)
Task 33. Fitness-Skipping double jump 3 sets of 50 (1:16)
Task 34. Fitness-Skipping high knee 3 sets of 20 (1:25)
Task 35. REPEAT-Backhand low service practice (5:54)
Task 36. REPEAT-Wrist and finger power training (14:42)
Task 37. REPEAT-Low service-common mistakes (8:30)
Month 6 of 12-Mastering the Advanced Training (stage 6)
Task 1. REPEAT-Preparing your self-WHY you do this session for? (7:07)
Task 2. Warming up-running-1 set of 20 & 1 set of 10 (1:45)
Task 3. Warming up-Fast feet & sprinting (1:01)
Task 4. Warming up-High knee & sprinting (1:00)
Task 5. Warming up-Side fast feet & sprinting left (1:10)
Task 6. Warming up-Side fast feet & sprinting right (0:59)
Task 7. Footwork-Forehand net & left side intercept (1:18)
Task 8. Footwork-Forehand net & right side intercept (1:12)
Task 9. Footwork-Backhand net & forehand side intercept (1:15)
Task 10. Footwork-Backhand net left side intercept (1:27)
Task 11. Footwork-Front 4 corners random 5 sets of 30 sec (2:34)
Task 12. Footwork-Right side drive & left rear smash 3 sets 10 (1:27)
Task 13. Footwork-Right side drive & right rear smash 3 sets 10 (1:19)
Task 14. Footwork-Left side drive & Left rear smash 3 sets 10 (1:16)
Task 15. Footwork-Left side drive & right rear smash 3 sets 10 (1:20)
Task 16. Shuttlecock-Push hard & soft mix-3 sets of 50 (2:13)
Task 17. Shuttlecock-Push hard & soft mix-3 sets of 50 left diagonal (1:45)
Task 18. Shuttlecock-Push hard & soft mix-3 sets of 50 right diagonal (1:56)
Task 19. Shuttlecock-Push & defence switch each other after 3 shots (3:13)
Task 20. Shuttlecock-Change positioning practice-helping rear court player (3:38)
Task 21. Shuttlecock-Change positioning practice-helping front court player (4:22)
Task 22. Shuttlecock-Change positioning practice-helping front court player-random (1:50)
Task 23. Shuttlecock-Block from left middle, jump smash from right rear 2 sets of 10 (1:24)
Task 24. Shuttlecock-Block from right middle, smash from left rear 2 sets of 10 (1:22)
Task 25. Shuttlecock-Block from left middle, smash from left rear 2 sets of 10 (1:18)
Task 26. Shuttlecock-Block from right middle, smash from right rear 2 sets of 10 (1:19)
Task 27. Shuttlecock-6 side jump smashes-10 sets of 6 smashes (2:00)
Task 29. Fitness-shuttlecock jump 10 sets of 10 jump (1:21)
Task 30. Fitness-Half bend and jump (1:37)
Task 31. Fitness-Bend knee and hold it 1 minute, 1.5 mintue and 2 minutes (3:19)
Task 32. Fitness-Sit ups straight & twist 5 sets of 40 (1:15)
Task 33. Fitness-Sit up-down & up 3 sets of 10 (1:14)
Task 34. Fitness-Sit up-Twisted down & up 3 sets of 10 (1:01)
Task 35. Fitness-Leg pull-5 sets of 10 (1:03)
Task 36. Fitness-Skipping one jump 100, double 50 & high knee 20-5 sets (1:19)
Task 37. Fitness-Skipping one jump 100, double jump 50-5 sets no break (1:56)
Task 38. REPEAT-Backhand low service practice (5:54)
Task 39. REPEAT-Wrist and finger power training (14:42)
Task 40. REPEAT-Low service-common mistakes (8:30)
Month 7 of 12-Entering The Intensive Training (stage 7)
Task 1. REPEAT-Preparing your self-WHY you do this session for? (7:07)
Task 2. Warming up-Court running-1 set of 10 (2:02)
Task 3. Warming up-Court sprinting-1 set of 10 (1:43)
Task 4. Footwork-3 shots from receiving low service 10 sets (1:31)
Task 5. Footwork-3 shots from returning flick service and 2 drives 2 sets of 10 (1:36)
Task 6. Footwork-3 shots from returning flick service and 2 smashes 2 sets of 10 (1:25)
Task 7. Footwork-Weight jacket, heavy racket 1- 2 sets of 10 (1:46)
Task 8. Footwork-Weight jacket, heavy racket 2- 2 sets of 10 (1:45)
Task 9. Footwork-Weight jacket, heavy racket 3- 2 sets of 10 (1:42)
Task 10. Footwork-Weight jacket, heavy racket 4-2 sets of 10 (1:42)
Task 11. Footwork-Smash block step 3 sets 20 (1:09)
Task 12. Footwork-Smash lift step 3 sets 20 (1:16)
Task 13. Footwork-Smash lift and drive mix step 3 sets 20 (1:08)
Task 14. Footwork-Smash lift and smash mix step 3 sets 20 (1:12)
Task 15. Footwork-Smash lift, net kill and smash mix step 3 sets 20 (1:05)
Task 16. Shuttlecock-Full court straight drop & straight soft drive 2 sets of 10 (1:36)
Task 17. Shuttlecock-Full court cross drop & straight soft drive 2 sets of 10 (1:44)
Task 18. Shuttlecock-Full court straight drop & cross soft drive 2 sets of 10 (1:46)
Task 19. Shuttlecock-backhand net & forehand kill2 sets of 10 (1:28)
Task 20. Shuttlecock-Forehand net & backhand kill 2 sets of 10 (1:19)
Task 21. Shuttlecock-Backhand Kill & Forehand kill 2 sets of 10 (1:28)
Task 22. Shuttlecock-Forehand Kill & Backhand kill 2 sets of 10 (1:36)
Task 23. Positioning Tactics-Attack and Kill (10 minutes practice) (4:58)
Task 24. Positioning Tactics-How to help rear court player (10 minutes practice) (6:49)
Task 25. Positioning Tactics-Smash, move in and kill (10 minutes practice) (7:49)
Task 26. Positioning Tactics-How to help front player (10 minutes practice) (4:59)
Task 27. Fitness-With weight jacket-one jump 100 5 sets (1:45)
Task 28. Fitness-With weight jacket-double jump 50 5 sets (1:33)
Task 29. Fitness-With weight jacket-high knee 20 5 sets (1:31)
Task 30. Fitness-With weight jacket-bend half and two step jump 10 sets of 10 (1:50)
Task 31. Fitness-Twisted Leg pull-5 sets of 10 (1:22)
Task 32. REPEAT-Backhand low service practice (5:54)
Task 33. REPEAT-Wrist and finger power training (14:42)
Task 34. REPEAT-Low service-common mistakes (8:30)
Month 8 of 12-Consolidating the Intensive Training (stage 8)
Task 1. REPEAT-Preparing your self--Ask this question to your self, WHY you do this session? (7:07)
Task 2. Warming up-fast feet & back sprinting (1:04)
Task 3. Warming up-fast feet & jump hit (1:45)
Task 4. Warming up-fast feet & backwark jump hit (1:53)
Task 5. Footwork-Weight jacket & heavy racket forehand side and backhand net kill 3 sets (2:15)
Task 6. Footwork-Weight jacket & heavy racket forehand side and forehand net kill 3 sets (2:02)
Task 7. Footwork-Weight jacket & heavy racket backhand side and forehand net kill 3 sets (2:19)
Task 8. Footwork-Weight jacket & heavy racket backhand side and backhand net kill (2:08)
Task 9. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy Smash defence 2 step 3 sets 20 (1:29)
Task 10. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket Smash defence & drive mix (1:07)
Task 11. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket Smash defence & net kill mix (1:06)
Task 12. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket Smash defence & smash mix (0:59)
Task 13. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket Smash defence & smash or net kill mix (1:01)
Task 14. Shuttlecock-3 sets of 20 smash lift one by one (2:14)
Task 15. Shuttlecock-3 sets of 20 smash lift two same side (1:14)
Task 16. Shuttlecock-3 sets of 20 smash lift random feeding (1:10)
Task 17. Shuttlecock-Intercept both side, feeding from right side 2 sets of 20 (1:28)
Task 18. Shuttlecock-Intercept both side, feeding from left side 2 sets of 20 (1:14)
Task 19. Shuttlecock-Intercept both side, feeding from centre 2 sets of 20 (1:18)
Task 20. Shuttlecock-Intercept both side, feeding from 3 different location-Fast feeding (2:07)
Task 21. Shuttlecock-Hand feeding net kill 5 sets of 15 (1:21)
Task 22. Shuttlecock-Deceptive drive-backhand and forehand-3 ses of 10 (3:17)
Task 23. Shuttlecock-Deceptive drive-forehand and backhand-3 ses of 10 (1:15)
Task 24. Shuttlecock-Deceptive drive-backhand straight and backhand cross-3 ses of 10 (1:13)
Task 25. Shuttlecock-Deceptive drive-forehand straight and forehand cross-3 ses of 10 (1:10)
Task 26. REPEAT-Positioning Tactics-Attack and Kill (10 minutes practice) (4:58)
Task 27. REPEAT-Positioning Tactics-How to help rear court player (10 minutes practice) (6:49)
Task 28. REPEAT-Positioning Tactics-Smash, move in and kill (10 minutes practice) (7:49)
Task 29. REPEAT-Positioning Tactics-How to help front player (10 minutes practice) (4:59)
Task 30. Fitness-With weight jacket on skipping double jump 50 3 sets (active break) (2:11)
Task 31. Fitness-With weight jacket on skipping high knee 20 3 sets (active break) (1:51)
Task 32. Fitness-With weight jacket court sprinting 10 sets of 1 (1:18)
Task 33. Fitness-Leg pull-down and hold 5 sets of 10 (1:31)
Task 34. REPEAT-Backhand low service practice (5:54)
Task 35. REPEAT-Wrist and finger power training (14:42)
Task 36. REPEAT-Low service-common mistakes (8:30)
Month 9 of 12-Mastering the Intensive Training (stage 9)
Task 1. REPEAT-Preparing your self--Ask this question to your self, WHY you do this session? (7:07)
Task 2. Warming up-tuck jumps and sprinting (1:05)
Task 3. Warming up-high knee 20 times forward (1:21)
Task 4. Warming up-forward 3 side steps 10 turns (1:28)
Task 5. Warming up-Backward 3 side steps 10 turns (1:12)
Task 6. Footwork-Weight jacket & heavy racket forehand net & forehand intercept 3 sets (2:06)
Task 7. Footwork-Weight jacket & heavy racket forehand net & backhand side intercept 3 sets (2:21)
Task 8. Footwork-Weight jacket & heavy racket backhand net & forehand side intercept 3 sets (2:17)
Task 9. Footwork-Weight jacket & heavy racket backhand net & backhand side intercept 3 sets (2:11)
Task 10. Footwork-Weight jacket, heavy racket 3 shots from receiving low service 10 sets (2:30)
Task 11. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket-Return flick service and 2 drives 1 set 10 (1:56)
Task 12. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket-Jump smash with 1 smal step 3 sets of 10 (1:24)
Task 13. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket-Jump smash no step 3 sets of 10 (1:35)
Task 14. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket-Return flick service and 2 smashes 1 set 10 (1:45)
Task 15. Shuttlecock-Backhand soft push & forehand intercept - 2 sets of 10 (1:21)
Task 16. Shuttlecock-Backhand soft push & backhand intercept - 2 sets of 10 (1:43)
Task 17. Shuttlecock-Backhand soft push & backhand intercept - 2 sets of 10 2 (1:43)
Task 18. Shuttlecock-Backhand soft push & intercept both side random - 3 sets of 10 (1:29)
Task 19. Shuttlecock-Forehand soft push & intercept backhand side - 2 sets of 10 (1:32)
Task 20. Shuttlecock-Forehand soft push & intercept forehand side - 2 sets of 10 (1:23)
Task 21. Shuttlecock-Forehand soft push & intercept both side random - 2 sets of 10 (1:36)
Task 22. Shuttlecock-Backhand Straight & cross block and straight drive 3 sets of 10 (1:14)
Task 23. Shuttlecock-Forehand Straight & cross block and straight drive 3 sets of 10 (1:37)
Task 24. Shuttlecock-Straight fast drop & straight soft drive 2 sets of 10 (1:21)
Task 25. Shuttlecock-Cross fast drop & straight soft backhand drive 2 sets of 10 (1:11)
Task 26. Shuttlecock-Straight fast drop & straight soft forehand drive 2 sets of 10 (1:14)
Task 27. Shuttlecock-Cross fast drop & straight soft forehand drive 2 sets of 10 (1:18)
Task 28. Shuttlecock- fast drop & soft drive random 10 sets of 20 ( 5 sets each side) (2:51)
Task 29. Fitness-Bend half & jump and two steps (1:52)
Task 30. Fitness-With weight jacket on jump 10 sets of 10 (1:38)
Task 31. Fitness-half court two side steps 4 directions 5 sets of 10 (1:37)
Task 32. Fitness-with weight jacket on-half court two side steps 4 directions 3 sets of 5 two steps (1:37)
Task 33. REPEAT-Backhand low service practice (5:54)
Task 34. REPEAT-Wrist and finger power training (14:42)
Task 35. REPEAT-Low service-common mistakes (8:30)
Month 10 of 12-Entering the Extreme Training (stage 10)
Task 1. REPEAT-Preparing your self--Ask this question to your self, WHY you do this session? (7:07)
Task 2. Warm up-Running-3 sets of 10 (3:11)
Task 3. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket-forehand drive and smash from left rear 2 sets of 10 (1:40)
Task 4. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket-forehand drive and smash from left rear 2 sets of 10 (1:40)
Task 5. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket-forehand drive and smash from right rear 2 sets of 10 (1:43)
Task 6. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket-backhand drive and smash from right rear 2 sets of 10 (1:50)
Task 7. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket-backhand drive and smash from left rear 2 sets of 10 (1:47)
Task 8. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy racket-Smash defence 1 setp 3 sets 200 (1:13)
Task 9. Shuttlecock-weight jacket, heavy racket 3 sets of 20 smash lift one by one (1:53)
Task 10. Shuttlecock-weight jacket, heavy racket 3 sets of 20 smash lift 2 same side heavy normal change (1:10)
Task 11. Shuttlecock-weight jacket, heavy racket 3 sets of 20 forehand block backhand lift (1:19)
Task 12. Shuttlecock-weight jacket, heavy racket 3 sets of 20 backhand block forehand lift (1:07)
Task 13. Shuttlecock-weight jacket, heavy racket 3 sets of 20 random (1:32)
Task 14. Shuttlecock-Backhand block and backhand drive 3 sets of 10 (1:24)
Task 15. Shuttlecock-Backhand straight block and backhand cross drive 3 sets of 10 (1:23)
Task 16. Shuttlecock-Forekhand straight block and forehand straight drive 3 sets of 10 (1:34)
Task 17. Shuttlecock-Forekhand straight block and forehand cross drive 3 sets of 10 (1:27)
Task 18. Shuttlecock-Step smash from left rear, jump smash reft middle 2 sets of 10 (1:33)
Task 19. Shuttlecock-Step smash from left rear, jump smash right middle 2 sets of 10 (1:17)
Task 20. Shuttlecock-Step smash from right rear, jump smash right middle 2 sets of 10 (1:14)
Task 21. Shuttlecock-Step smash from right rear, jump smash left middle 2 sets of 10 (1:20)
Task 28. REPEAT-Fitness-Bend knee and hold it 1 minute, 1.5 mintue and 2 minutes (3:19)
Task 29. REPEAT-Fitness-Sit ups straight & twist 5 sets of 40 (1:15)
Task 30. REPEAT-Fitness-Sit up-down & up 3 sets of 10 (1:14)
Task 31. REPEAT-Fitness-Sit up-Twisted down & up 3 sets of 10 (1:01)
Task 32. REPEAT-Fitness-Leg pull-5 sets of 10 (1:03)
Task 33. REPEAT-Fitness-Skipping one jump 100, double 50 & high knee 20-5 sets (1:19)
Task 34. REPEAT-Fitness-Skipping one jump 100, double jump 50-5 sets no break (1:56)
Task 35. REPEAT-Backhand low service practice (5:54)
Task 36. REPEAT-Wrist and finger power training (14:42)
Task 37. REPEAT-Low service-common mistakes (8:30)
Task 9. Footwork-weight jacket, heavy Smash defence 2 step 3 sets 20
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